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Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

  • Introduction

Warwick Test Supplies is committed to operating in an ethical and socially responsible manner so that our activities positively affect society as a whole.  This goes to the heart of our core business strategies and values.  This policy aims to ensure that we work ethically, considering human rights and contemplate the social, economic and environmental impacts of what they do as a business.

We are also committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG)

  • Who are we and what we do

Warwick Test Supplies specialises in the provision of innovative solutions to electronic testing problems and supplies electronic test components from the world’s leading manufacturers as a franchised distributor as well as manufacturing bespoke/custom cable assemblies and IC Test Clips.

  • Looking after employees

We understand that to be a great employer you need great employees.  We can only achieve this by providing an all-inclusive, cooperative work environment where our people feel valued, enjoy their work and have opportunities to grow.  We are committed to:

  • Maintaining a workplace free of personal harassment;
  • Ensure that employees are treated fairly and respectfully by both management and colleagues;
  • Providing competitive salaries and benefits;
  • Supplying training so that employees feel safe and competent in their role as well as giving development opportunities to enable an employee’s growth;
  • Communicating effectively with employees and engender an encouraging atmosphere to enable employees to make suggestions that enable us to improve.
  • Looking after customers

We aim to build long term and meaningful relationships with our customers and stakeholders, ensuring we fully understand their objectives, meet requirements, and exceed expectations. We aim to give fair value, consistent quality, and reliability. We aim to have the highest professional and ethical standards, and pledge to be honest, open, and transparent in all our interactions with our customers.

  • Supply chain

We consider members of our supply chain as partners and work with them to help us achieve our responsibility goals.  We regularly review our suppliers to ensure that they are also maintaining their levels of responsibility.  We are non-tolerant of human trafficking and exploitation of children and young people and will never accept counterfeit goods or goods containing conflict materials.

  • Health and Safety

A healthy and safe workplace assists us in achieving our other socially responsible goals.  We therefore promote the highest health and safety standards with our employees, and supply chain.  We have a health and safety policy which is reviewed annually and we comply with all relevant regulatory and legislative requirements for our business.   Employees are trained on relevant PPE required for certain tasks and also encouraged to give input to our health and safety management systems so that we can maintain best practice.

  • Environmental protection

We understand that our business activities will cause a level of environmental impact, but we are committed to mitigating and minimising that impact as much as reasonably practical through the use of management systems and procedures.  This includes an environmental policy, reviewed annually and updated when required and also set objectives and training that ensures our employees and supply chain understands their responsibilities. 

We encourage the use of greener transport, recycling waste where possible and re-use of materials where appropriate. 

  • Community

We recognise the need to remain a good corporate citizen and contribute to the socio-economic development of our community.  In doing so we donate to local charities and encourage our workforce to engage with local community projects.  We provide educational guides on best practice for product selection and manufacturing of certain assemblies and also offer local educational establishments excess component stock to assist in their STEM programmes.


This CSR Policy will be reviewed regularly and updated as necessary. Although the Managing Director has ultimate responsibility for our CSR performance, all employees have a responsibility in the development and implementation of our systems, procedures and to contribute through communication, training, and commitment to its implementation.