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Counterfeit Goods Prevention Policy


Overarching Policy

Warwick Test Supplies Ltd policy is to conduct our business activities in compliance with relevant rules and regulations applicable to our business and the laws in the countries in which the company operates. In all cases, these business activities are conducted to the highest ethical standards. Our reputation is built on the integrity of our staff and their commitment to maintaining the highest standards of ethical business practice.

Counterfeit products 

Counterfeit goods and components are defined as those that are misrepresented in their origins or quality. There is evidence in the market that counterfeit goods and components exist, that numbers are rising and that concern is growing within customers’ supply chains.  We are not aware of any specific manufacturers producing counterfeit goods or components that we manufacture or purchase as a distributor but we do understand the potential for this situation.

Prevention Policy

We are committed to providing the highest quality products to our customers.  Our policy is based on having a secure supply chain so we therefore enforce a strict policy of goods and component sourcing to ensure that the products we provide come from traceable and accountable sources.  We prevent counterfeit goods and components in the following ways:

  • We only purchase goods and components from authorised manufactures and suppliers. This ensures goods and components are always new, authentic and fully warrantable.  This also means that the latest technical information is always readily available
  • We do not purchase goods or components from any other sources or purchase products for refurbishment or that have been refurbished for our manufacturing.
  • We continually assess our supply chain and inspect goods and components prior to use within manufacturing or distribution to ensure that the item meets the expected quality standards.


We maintain traceability of goods and components purchased by the retention of purchase orders, receipt documents and any certificates of conformance for a period of 5 years. 

Returned Goods

Our returned goods policy is strict to ensure that traceability remains intact.  Before goods are returned the purchaser must gain an authorised RMA number following confirmation of traceability via purchase data.  On receipt the goods are inspected to ensure that they are undamaged, in original packaging and match the items that were sent.  Only goods that meet these rigorous standards are allowed to be returned to stock.


Our staff are continuously aware and on the lookout for signs of counterfeit goods or components.  We will check purchased goods and components for identification markings on packaging and the item.  We will also check for any indications of alteration, wrong size, incorrect markings, incorrect logos, materials used, condition or any signs of rework/ refurbishment.  Lastly, we will check that the accompanying paperwork matches what is expected and that there are no signs incorrect grammar, spelling, poor quality print or incorrect product identification or logos.

We will gain a certificate of conformance for components where that item is critical to a product that we manufacture.  We will also gain a certificate of conformance for goods and components that we distribute if requested by the purchaser.


We constantly monitor our supplier’s performance and data to safeguard our supply chain.  We are on the lookout for suspicious activity such as unverifiable traceability to source, delivery initiated from an unusual or uncommon location, significant price changes, availability of obsolete or scarce components, inability to provide a certificate of conformance, new suppliers etc

In the event that we discover counterfeit materials, those materials will be quarantined and an investigation will be undertaken to discover the source. Full details of the infringement will be reported to the appropriate government trading standards agency for criminal investigation.